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Teachstone Blog

Teachers that watch videos of effective classroom interactions are more likely to improve their own interactions. Knowing this, Teachstone created ...

One of the things I keep in mind when developing PD for teachers is to start at the beginning. This isn’t the beginning of the year, the Training ...

CLASS™ Instructional Support What comes to your mind when you read this term? If you’re anything like the hundreds of coaches we’ve talked to, this ...

Editor's Note: This blog post was written by Teachstone Ambassador Teri Talan for the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership on April 10, ...

How can we expect teachers to prepare children for kindergarten when the CLASS dimension, Regard for Student Perspectives (RSP), contradicts some of ...

It’s a gorgeous spring day here in central Virginia. The trees are leafing out, the lilacs are in full bloom, and the birds are busy nesting. A ...

Often, when I am engaged in professional development focusing on vocabulary lessons with teachers in bilingual classrooms, I am asked “Should I speak ...


In support of the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) Week of the Young Child, Teachstone welcomes guest blogger, ...

Last week at the National Head Start (NHSA) Annual Conference in Washington, DC, we were honored to recognize the winners of the 2015 NHSA-Teachstone ...

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