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CLASS in Practice (12)

In the last "Real World Examples" post, we focused on Teacher Sensitivity. Moving on through the CLASS manual, today we will explore Regard for ...

We’ve all heard at some time or another: “I’ve done hundreds of observations; I don’t need my manual!” In a recent training, one of my participants ...

We recently saw a comment on the CLASS Community Facebook Group from one of our MMCI Instructors and CLASS Observers, Candice Smith, and this is what ...

Once you have been through CLASS® Observation Training, it is hard not to notice interactions everywhere you go! You even start to sort those ...

A couple weeks ago, a friend shared this short video below from The Atlantic with me. Turns out, this video was everything I love about good media: ...

Research shows many early childhood educators feel ill-equipped to meet the needs of children who display problem behaviors (Fox & Smith, 2007; ...

So, you’re a Certified CLASS Observer. Now, what? You recertify once a year to make sure you are staying true to the tool—that’s essential. But what ...

There are many systems and tools available for programs to in their assessment and quality improvement. Some measure similar things and some measure ...

In last month’s post, An Exception to Scoring Productivity, we talked about exceptions to the general coding protocol of needing to see consistent ...

In her last blog post, Carol Bolz introduced a research project on coaching with CLASS Instructional Support and the Project Approach. There were ...

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