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CLASS in Practice (11)

All across the world, researchers and educators are working on ways to help students learn. Some are small tweaks or classroom “lifehacks.” Some are ...

Imagine that you are a child walking into a classroom for the first time. Think about how you might feel. Are you scared? Confused? Excited? What ...

Strong cognitive skills in early childhood are associated with later school success. Cognitive skills are the mental processes that help us think, ...

I recently sat down with Heather Sason, an experienced CLASS observer, and one of the newest members of the products team at Teachstone.

In our previous “Real World Examples” post, we focused on Behavior Management. Keeping with the Classroom Organization domain, Productivity is our ...

In our previous Behavioral Marker Series post, we focused on the often misunderstood marker of “Disconnected Negativity.” As a reminder, CLASS® ...

CLASS Specialists at Teachstone all take turns providing reliability support to anxious testers. We often see the same mistakes and misconceptions ...

In our previous “Real World Examples” post, we focused on Regard for Student Perspectives. As we continue our journey through the CLASS manual, today ...

Imagine this scenario: As a coach, you walk into a classroom to conduct an informal CLASS observation followed by a coaching conversation. During ...

CLASS® behavioral markers (those bulleted lists of observable behaviors under each indicator on your dimension face pages) are both friends and, if ...

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