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CLASS in Practice (10)

Social-emotional Learning is a broad term that describes any intervention that teaches intrapersonal (self to self) and interpersonal (self to ...

In the summer of 2018, we began a company-wide conversation to organize the various activities, discussions, and small steps undertaken by many ...

Many teachers will agree that their first year of teaching can be one of the most grueling, challenging, and stressful experiences for them as they ...

Teachstone has worked hard to provide you with case studies about various organizations who have transformed their classrooms through the use of the ...

Have you ever wondered how CLASS fits the culture of your program? There are three areas that will support your quest of ensuring that your program ...

If you’ve been following the news lately, a lot is going on in North Carolina for young children and families! Leaders across the state—from ...

Education is certainly my calling. When choosing my path as a teacher, the Montessori philosophy captivated me more than most. It was peaceful, ...

Recently, I wrote about research showing us just how few children experience even “good enough” teaching from kindergarten to third grade. Only 4% of ...

When I first heard that I was going to have to be observed and coached for my job, I was not thrilled by any means. I immediately thought, Great, ...

In our previous "Real World Examples" post, we explored Instructional Learning Formats with a little cookie-baking fun! For this post, we will move ...

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