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Coach Tips (15)

The CLASS Feedback Strategies training is almost here! We’re thrilled to share a sneak preview of the exciting new content we’ve developed.

We have been hard at work developing a new 1-day training focused on sharing CLASS™ observations with teachers—CLASS Feedback Strategies: Sharing ...

While managing MyTeachingPartner™ (MTP™) Coaching, my colleagues would roll their eyes when they'd catch me boasting to directors that our coaching ...

In order to be aware of and make the most of the interactions you have with your students, you have to be able to be to be “in the moment” with them ...

As a first-year preschool teacher, I would wake up early one Saturday every month to attend a teaching workshop at a local college. Some of these ...

“What is your objective?”

One of the more difficult CLASS® indicators to identify and measure is integration—connecting concepts together and connecting them to previously ...

I’m very excited to say that Teachstone is finally putting together a one-day training on giving CLASS-based feedback to teachers. People in the ...

The best-laid plans are not always executed effectively. Professional development initiatives achieve differing degrees of success across ...

Scenario: During a lesson on animals, children sit in assigned spots in a circle. The teacher asks, “How many of you have pets at home?” A few ...

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