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K-12 (5)

We all want what’s best for our children. There are hundreds of aspects to measure: nutrition, exercise, curriculum, community involvement...the list ...

On November 9, 2021, Teachstone hosted the Building Confidence and Consistency in Your Head Start Program webinar with Sara Diamond, Director of ...

In the CLASS® dimension Regard for Student Perspectives, there is an indicator called Support for Autonomy. This means the ability to self-govern or ...

How can we shape innovators starting at a young age? Early childhood educators have a big role in growing that mindset in children that they can ...

When I was a teacher, I can remember taking care to intentionally plan differentiated, or individualized, instruction. And, when I was teaching pre-K ...

It's not uncommon for educators in early education to need to strike a balance between following children's leads and sticking to the classroom ...

“What I think I’m most proud of as a professional in the field is our ability to show up, our ability to still do it, to still roll with the changes… ...

Shared physical presence is a large part of how we’re used to connecting with each other. Strong connections and relationships are important for ...

When COVID-19 hit and schools shut down, many of us were certain that it would not impact the 2020-21 school year. But after more than 18 months, ...

There’s no sugar coating it - the 2020-21 school year was tough. Teachers, schools, and child care workers shouldered a massive burden, taking work ...

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