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Pre-K (9)

Even top athletes rely on the support of a coach to improve their game. Players need coaches to help identify their unique strengths and grow their ...

Every year in the U.S., the amount of young children who live in a household where a language other than English is spoken has been steadily ...

We all know people are naturally social beings—we need interactions to survive. But just because we’re naturally social doesn’t mean we know how to ...

As a Certified CLASS Affiliate Trainer, I enjoy reading the discussion posts and responses in the CLASS Learning Community. It gives me further ...

As I entered my 15th year of teaching young children and supporting adult learners, I found myself searching for answers. Answers to why CLASS ...

In our previous "Real World Examples" post, we explored Instructional Learning Formats with a little cookie-baking fun! For this post, we will move ...

Imagine that you are a child walking into a classroom for the first time. Think about how you might feel. Are you scared? Confused? Excited? What ...

If you've been training or coaching on CLASS recently, you've probably started to notice that CLASS domains and dimensions are applicable to life ...

Concept Development and Quality of Feedback. These dimensions fall under the Instructional Support domain in the Pre-K CLASS measure. They have some ...

What's the status of your CLASS expertise? Do your skills need sharpening? Try this fun quiz and check your own answers to find out!

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