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Pre-K (9)

In our previous "Real World Examples" post, we explored Instructional Learning Formats with a little cookie-baking fun! For this post, we will move ...

Imagine that you are a child walking into a classroom for the first time. Think about how you might feel. Are you scared? Confused? Excited? What ...

If you've been training or coaching on CLASS recently, you've probably started to notice that CLASS domains and dimensions are applicable to life ...

Concept Development and Quality of Feedback. These dimensions fall under the Instructional Support domain in the Pre-K CLASS measure. They have some ...

What's the status of your CLASS expertise? Do your skills need sharpening? Try this fun quiz and check your own answers to find out!

Are you a teacher who recently had a CLASS observer come to your classroom? Maybe the observer mentioned something about giving you your CLASS ...

Note: It’s the start of another new school year and once again, my thoughts turn to all of the children who are starting school for the first time. ...

In this day and age, the likelihood of finding an opinion or theory that everyone agrees on seems impossible. The world of early education is no ...

Mary Margaret-Gardiner and Sarah Hadden discuss Student Expression from the Pre-K dimension Regard for Student Perspectives. You'll learn how to ...

It’s hard to deny that the CLASS Observation Training is effective in its primary goal: developing reliable CLASS Observers. Our impressive pass ...

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