To talk about CLASS, you have to start with kids. Beginning anywhere else just doesn’t capture what’s at the heart of CLASS: interactions that help ...
Products and Trainings (7)
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: AN INVESTMENT IN OUR TEACHERS As a former teacher and teacher educator, I deeply understand the tremendous impact that a ...
Recently, I conducted a CLASS Train-the-Trainer. During the training, as we discussed going over the certification and re-certification process with ...
Classroom video is at the heart of Teachstone’s products. We certify observers by asking them to reliably code video segments. Our Video Libraries, ...
A CLASS Observation Training is an interactive, content-packed experience, and even the most enthusiastic participants may find it difficult to think ...
From phone calls to meetings to conferences to trainings to social media—I spent A LOT of time discussing the CLASS. And one thing people constantly ...
About four months ago, my husband and I welcomed our second child, Maddy, into the world. Unlike 20 months earlier, when Oliver was born, we weren’t ...