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Products and Trainings (6)

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: AN INVESTMENT IN OUR TEACHERS As a former teacher and teacher educator, I deeply understand the tremendous impact that a ...

Recently, I conducted a CLASS Train-the-Trainer. During the training, as we discussed going over the certification and re-certification process with ...

Classroom video is at the heart of Teachstone’s products. We certify observers by asking them to reliably code video segments. Our Video Libraries, ...

A CLASS Observation Training is an interactive, content-packed experience, and even the most enthusiastic participants may find it difficult to think ...

Have you ever heard educators say they have too much time on their hands? Me neither!

From phone calls to meetings to conferences to trainings to social media—I spent A LOT of time discussing the CLASS. And one thing people constantly ...

About four months ago, my husband and I welcomed our second child, Maddy, into the world. Unlike 20 months earlier, when Oliver was born, we weren’t ...

I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me to explain what my company does. I get so excited and I start off with something like this: ...

When I was a teacher, improving classroom interactions meant changing my behavior. While this wasn’t always easy, I always felt like I had direct ...

Most people think about CLASS as a classroom observation measure—and it is—but maybe we’ve been looking at the tool in the wrong way. Let's take a ...

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