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Products and Trainings (8)

CLASS™ Instructional Support What comes to your mind when you read this term? If you’re anything like the hundreds of coaches we’ve talked to, this ...

The Product Development team at Teachstone is pleased to announce an exciting new product for CLASS Observers. Have you struggled to download your ...

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2014, but has since been revamped for accuracy.

By training, I’m an accountant. Or as some on my staff say, “a bean counter.” I like to know what things are going to cost, I need to know that we ...

As a Product Manager at Teachstone, it’s important for me to get out of the office and connect with educators in the field. That might mean attending ...

As a former teacher, coach and Center Director, I remember hearing about new types of professional development and other materials across the early ...

Happy New Year!! How did this happen so quickly? Weren’t we just ringing in 2014? Cheers to 15 things to be excited about in 2015!

We are thrilled to have Blake Sirach of WillowTree, Inc. guest blog for us this week. You can learn more about WillowTree, Inc. here.

Surveys Matter! Do you ever receive emails from Teachstone, asking you to “fill out a quick survey?” Are you aware that Teachstone sends out a survey ...

My colleagues and I are often asked, “Why do observers have to recertify every year?”

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