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Reliability and Certification (2)

I’d like you to take a minute and think about the answers to the following questions: Why do you write out a shopping list before you go to the ...

I hate tests. They make me anxious, they make me sweat, and I think they’re just plain mean. It's funny, then, that my job is about preparing people ...

We are thrilled to unveil the latest updates to our CLASS® certification journey, driven by valuable user feedback. These enhancements are designed ...

The CLASS® tool is complex and for good reason. It measures human interactions, which are in and of themselves very complex. While complexity in ...

IIn our recent webinar, Making the Move to CLASS® 2nd Edition, we shared how programs and individuals can begin to experience and use the enhanced ...

Every state, every district, every school, every teacher faced decisions that they had never anticipated in the last academic year. As the end of the ...

Recently, all of the employees at Teachstone completed a course on identifying implicit biases in our individual thinking and our collective work. ...

Practice and feedback is the key to CLASS® success. Even the most experienced certified CLASS Observers need practice and feedback to make sure their ...

Due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools and programs are limiting the number of people who can enter classrooms during the ...

Due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, a large number of schools and programs have decided to adopt either a totally online program of ...

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