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Reliability and Certification (3)

In our previous “Real World Examples” post, we focused on Behavior Management. Keeping with the Classroom Organization domain, Productivity is our ...

In our previous Behavioral Marker Series post, we focused on the often misunderstood marker of “Disconnected Negativity.” As a reminder, CLASS® ...

CLASS Specialists at Teachstone all take turns providing reliability support to anxious testers. We often see the same mistakes and misconceptions ...

I am really into data. Sometimes I think that is why I like CLASS so much. There is so much research behind the tool. After working on Reliability ...

In our previous “Real World Examples” post, we focused on Regard for Student Perspectives. As we continue our journey through the CLASS manual, today ...

CLASS® behavioral markers (those bulleted lists of observable behaviors under each indicator on your dimension face pages) are both friends and, if ...

In the last "Real World Examples" post, we focused on Teacher Sensitivity. Moving on through the CLASS manual, today we will explore Regard for ...

CLASS Specialists at Teachstone all take turns providing reliability support to anxious testers. We often see the same mistakes and misconceptions ...

CLASS observer drift is a simple concept. It is a term we use to describe what happens when an observer becomes less reliable. The more an observer ...

We’ve all heard at some time or another: “I’ve done hundreds of observations; I don’t need my manual!” In a recent training, one of my participants ...

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