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FAQs (8)

Teachers, what is your reaction when someone talks to you about using CLASS? Do you cringe, thinking of a numerical score? Do you feel overhwlemed, ...

In preschool programs, meals can take place in the classroom or in the cafeteria. The CLASS Manual tells us that meal times are perfectly acceptable ...

Personal biases can challenge observers assessing the quality of teacher-child interactions with the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). In ...

When I went to my first CLASS training, I was so impressed that someone had found a way to quantify the behaviors and things that I had been doing in ...

Teachers are amazing planners! They know how to take ideas and turn them into engaging and fun activities. But how does a teacher ensure that ...

The CLASS score report is a vessel for providing informative and constructive feedback to teachers about the effectiveness of their classroom ...

Scenario: Carmen is an education coordinator mentoring a preschool teacher, Brittany. Through the course of their year working together, Carmen has ...

I had the pleasure of presenting a session on the CLASS at a recent conference. Before beginning, I was doing my usual checks to be sure that ...

I’ll admit it: CLASS terms can be a little confusing. For example, problem solving in Concept Development sounds a lot like resolving problems in ...

We recently reposted a popular blog post about asking open-ended questions. We are thrilled that early childhood educators are becoming more ...

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