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FAQs (7)

At a CLASS Group Coaching (MMCI) Training in Florida, an instructor told a story about finding a coconut on the beach with her granddaughter. She ...

Which Pre-K CLASS Dimension is Your Favorite? Observers, which one do you love to observe and code? Teachers, which one do you excel in? Coaches, ...

Mary-Margaret and Sarah are back to explain more misperceptions of the CLASS tool. The Classroom Organization Domain primarily deals with managing ...

While spending time doing CLASS observations around the country, I am particularly interested in how programs, directors, and teachers interpret the ...

omm"What is contingent responding?" one of our affiliate trainers asked me recently. In case you didn't know, contingent responding is one of the ...

My children were lucky enough to have schoolteachers who, among many things, managed their classroom beautifully. Donna and Deanna were an amazing ...

...even though today's teachers are trained to be sensitive to "social-emotional development" and schools are committed to mainstreaming children ...

The Randolph College Nursery School recently became the fourth program in Virginia to earn a top rating (5 stars) from the Virginia Star Quality ...

Mary-Margaret and Sarah are back with a new vlog series! Coaches, teachers, and CLASS observers can all benefit from their discussions about often ...

Teachers, what is your reaction when someone talks to you about using CLASS? Do you cringe, thinking of a numerical score? Do you feel overhwlemed, ...

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