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Infant and Toddler (7)

The science is in on New Year’s resolutions. According to a recent article by Bob Sulilvan in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, about half of us will ...

So, your program is using the CLASS observation tool in pre-K classrooms. That’s wonderful! Here are a few things to think about as you consider ...

In last month’s post, An Exception to Scoring Productivity, we talked about exceptions to the general coding protocol of needing to see consistent ...

The Beginning Our QRIS (Quality Rating and Improvement System) journey began in 2004 in a small office with just three staff. Just like many ...

When I went to my first CLASS training, I was so impressed that someone had found a way to quantify the behaviors and things that I had been doing in ...

Infants are completely dependant on adults for their survival and development. That's why it is important to start CLASS observations even in ...

Editor’s Note: There are several ways to approach coding in a mixed-age setting. Teachstone’s official recommendation when observing in multi-age ...

For teachers My daughters were both early talkers (taking after their chatty mother, I’m sure). My oldest’s first word was, adorably, “Mama.” My ...

The rapid pace of human development in the first three years of life requires teachers and caregivers to be nimble. Whether a family member or ...

The CLASS tool measures interactions in classrooms serving infants through high school students. That’s quite a span—and also why there are six ...

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