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Leadership & Policy (8)

Take heart! For too long, one of the least heartening perspectives on the federal government budget came from early childhood education advocates, ...

The statistics around exclusionary discipline practices, like suspension or expulsion, are grim. Kids who get kicked out, especially repeatedly, are ...

Early childhood folks are a special breed. We know how great an impact our work can have (Perry Preschool Program! Abecedarian! Heckman!), and we’re ...

On the morning of March 23rd, 2018, Congress approved an omnibus spending package that included a historic bipartisan provision to increase funding ...

Regardless of the various journeys we take or paths we find ourselves on when we discover CLASS, we all believe in the power of interactions to ...

All across the world, researchers and educators are working on ways to help students learn. Some are small tweaks or classroom “lifehacks.” Some are ...

We wanted to share an interesting application of research: this childcare cost calculator from the Center for American Progress. You can use it to ...

A recently published issue brief by the Learning Policy Institute examines exactly what it would take to create cooperative early childhood education ...

I embarked on my longest trip to date to provide a pre-conference presentation and keynote address at the Early Childhood Care and Education ...

There are plenty of pre-K skeptics out there. How much can one year of playing on the rug, singing songs, and learning how to share really help kids ...

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