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Pre-K (4)

How can you incorporate music into your classroom and what does that do for your children? What can it do for you? In today’s episode, you’ll hear ...

CLASS is more than just observations. To really see the principles work for you and your children, what you should be thinking about is building a ...

The educational workforce is changing, and going through a global pandemic only heightened and accelerated those changes. Today, we’ll talk about the ...

The first day a young child spends away from home, whether it's at a preschool, a home daycare, or another child care setting, can be as exciting as ...

Originally published October 12, 2021: Colleen Schmit reflects on burnout in especially trying school years. We’re more than a month into the school ...

Originally published March 21, 2022 In recent years, mindfulness has gained popularity in our society, including in the early childhood education ...

Can we talk about structure? When CLASS® entered my life, I was 20 years into my career in the field of early childhood education. What I remember ...

State policymakers have an exciting opportunity to level the playing field for early childhood education with thoughtful system design using the ...

Moving towards a post-pandemic world, early childhood education is still in a fractured state of recovery. Numerous headlines define the inequitable ...

The CLASS® tool’s Instructional Learning Format (ILF) dimension refers to the ways educators enhance engagement. We all know students who are engaged ...

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