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Reliability and Certification (7)

We're happy to share our third and final post in our series, Notetaking for Trainers. During this series, we'll discuss strategies to help you ensure ...

We're happy to introduce our new series, Notetaking for Trainers. During this series, we'll discuss strategies to help you ensure that your trainees ...

We often talk about CLASS observers and observation data as being reliable. But, what does reliable really mean? And, why do we make such a big deal ...

My colleagues and I are often asked, “Why do observers have to recertify every year?”

We are excited to have Sara Beach guest blog for us today. As a former Teachstone Staff Trainer, she frequently presented on topics such as Helping ...

I love words and dictionaries. So, when I started drafting this blog post about the importance of CLASS Observer Certification, I looked up “certify” ...

One of the most enjoyable parts of my work at Teachstone is providing observer support. I am lucky enough to be able to provide many levels of ...

A dear friend once told me, "The best phrase you can use in marriage is ‘You may be right.’” And she was absolutely correct! In today’s world, we are ...

Ever wondered about the master coding process at Teachstone? How does it work? Who is involved? How do master coders become master coders? If so, ...

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