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Research (7)

A recent report from the Center for American Progress (CAP), Examining Teacher Effectiveness Between Preschool and Third Grade, examined inequities ...

I have a rant. But before I rant, let me tell you a story. A little after my daughter’s first birthday, she was playing with a small, elephant pull ...

The commentary on the TNVPK evaluation continues. Study authors Farran and Lipsey wrote a pushback piece addressing critics’ claims that the study ...

Ever feel like you are fighting a battle with technology as a distraction from learning? In honor of EdTech week, we are reposting this blog about ...

...even though today's teachers are trained to be sensitive to "social-emotional development" and schools are committed to mainstreaming children ...

I grew up in Plymouth, Michigan, and the first day of school was always the Tuesday after Labor Day. As I moved south, I was surprised that the first ...

In our earliest implementations, when Teachstone was just being formed, we often heard that teachers were caught off guard by CLASS-based ...

When we were in Chicago in July, 2015, we caught up with Vanessa Rich, the President of the National Head Start Association and the Deputy ...

In an environment where data is becoming more prevalent and influential in the decision-making process of programming, funding, professional ...

Leveraging technology to support professional development for teachers is a growing trend in education—one that's really just getting started. If ...

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