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Teachstone Blog

Think back to when you were new to CLASS. Really try to remember the details of those early days. Most of us had some pretty strong reservations, but ...

“How do I do CLASS in my program?”—that's a common question we get while talking to others about the CLASS tool. And while we always say, “You don’t ...

Maintaining your CLASS certification may not be at the top of your to-do list after you’ve attended observation training and passed your first ...

Most of us make New Year’s resolutions, right? Some of us resolve to exercise more, lose weight, or eat a more healthy diet. Some of us may even ...

There are videos in CLASS observation trainings that push participants’ “buttons” and challenge their objectivity. You know the ones. Regardless of ...

We’ve all been there—the spring semester is looming. Although you have the gist of the syllabus planned, the details still need to be worked out. ...

Let’s skip past all the reasons reliability on the CLASS® measure is super important. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been to a CLASS ...

Our video bloggers are back to continue their discussion about Instructional Support (did you catch the first video?). This time, Sarah and ...

The science is in on New Year’s resolutions. According to a recent article by Bob Sulilvan in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, about half of us will ...

Teresa Belcher teaches young children at Cinderella Early Childhood Center in West Virginia. Teresa's administrator, Verna Smith, nominated her for ...

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