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CLASS in Practice (6)

Today starts the kick-off to another Week of the Young Child! While I, and I know others at Teachstone, feel strongly that young children, their ...

Last week marked Teachstone's annual user conference, InterAct NOW: CLASS® Summit, where hundreds of education leaders, coaches, and teachers from ...

With everything that has happened in the last two years, educators have had to look at teaching in a whole new way. We have learned that the things ...

The CLASS Learning Community is a community of educators, observers, education leaders, and other educators dedicated to helping every child reach ...

What’s the best way to teach empathy to an infant, toddler, or preschool-aged child? Joanna Parker joins the Teaching with CLASS® podcast to answer ...

Social emotional learning (SEL) is a critical component of school readiness and later academic and social success. Did you know that high-quality ...

Burnout among early childhood educators is at a whole new level within the last couple of years. Administrators, teachers, observers, and staff feel ...

We all want what’s best for our children. There are hundreds of aspects to measure: nutrition, exercise, curriculum, community involvement...the list ...

So, you’re dual-certified on the Infant and Toddler CLASS® tools. Congrats! Not only can you observe in Infant classrooms (birth to 18 months) and ...

On November 9, 2021, Teachstone hosted the Building Confidence and Consistency in Your Head Start Program webinar with Sara Diamond, Director of ...

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