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Implementation (4)

Conducting CLASS observations via video is valid and acceptable and can be a good fit for many organizations’ needs.

Technology is pretty cool. Just think, we have the ability to instantly share photos with friends all over the world, order groceries with a single ...

What do you do when faced with a task that just seems daunting and overwhelming? What helps you feel ready to take on new challenges? Do you ask for ...

One of my favorite parts of InterAct: A CLASS Summit is always talking with people who represent so many different organizations that use CLASS. I ...

I recently had the pleasure of spending a Sunday at the NHSA Fall Leadership Institute conference in Arlington, Virginia. During a full-day session ...

As I began to delve into the results of our first-ever State of CLASS survey data, I thought, “Am I about to be out of a job?” Immediately I noticed ...

Most people think about CLASS as a classroom observation measure—and it is—but maybe we’ve been looking at the tool in the wrong way. Let's take a ...

“How do I do CLASS in my program?”—that's a common question we get while talking to others about the CLASS tool. And while we always say, “You don’t ...

We’ve all been there—the spring semester is looming. Although you have the gist of the syllabus planned, the details still need to be worked out. ...

So, your program is using the CLASS observation tool in pre-K classrooms. That’s wonderful! Here are a few things to think about as you consider ...

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