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Research (14)

I have to admit, I cringe a little each time I walk into an infant classroom and see a monthly curriculum posted to the bulletin board. Usually it’s ...

My last blog post kicked off a series of posts about how to use the CLASS™ measure in family child care (FCC) settings. From research, discussion ...

I’ve been using the slow weeks around the holidays to catch up on the latest CLASS™ research findings. There’s a lot that I’d like to get to in ...

Even though family child care (FCC) settings may differ from other child-care arrangements (and from one another), we truly are a family when it ...

We are thrilled to have Marla Muntner guest blog for us today. Marla has spent most of her professional life supporting teaching and learning—inside ...

As a first-year preschool teacher, I would wake up early one Saturday every month to attend a teaching workshop at a local college. Some of these ...

“What is your objective?”

I’m very excited to go to the Zero to Three National Training Institute next week in Texas. I’ve never been before, and I hear that it’s an ...

We spend a lot of time at Teachstone thinking about teachers—pre-service teachers just starting to learn about classroom interactions and in-service ...

Often, there is a collective shudder when we hear the word “data." Number-crunching can be a dry, tedious task, sometimes resulting from concerns ...

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