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CLASS in Practice (13)

Editor's Note: In November 2013, Teachstone attended NAEYC's annual conference. One presentation stood out more than others—a research project ...

Editor’s Note: There are several ways to approach coding in a mixed-age setting. Teachstone’s official recommendation when observing in multi-age ...

I recently attended the National Association of Family Child Care (NAFCC) annual conference in Orlando. I love going to provider-focused conferences ...

First 5 California just released an evaluation report for their CARES Plus program. The results show that educators who participated in ...

In last month’s blog post in our family child care (FCC) series, we looked at the challenge of maintaining objectivity. This month’s we'll look at ...

Editor's Note: Over two years ago, Marcy Whitebook wrote this blog on the SEQUAL, a classroom and program assessment tool to provide teachers and ...

In last month’s blog post in our family child care (FCC) series, we looked at the challenge of coding consistently in inconsistent settings. This ...

In last month's blog post in our family child care (FCC) series, we looked at the first challenge of coding across multiple age levels in family ...

We’re heading down an unfamiliar sidewalk with a multitude of other pedestrians. Never having been in this part of the city, we reach the four-way ...

My last blog post kicked off a series of posts about how to use the CLASS™ measure in family child care (FCC) settings. From research, discussion ...

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